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Case Studies, Project Updates, Industry Insights and Think Pieces from the Transafe Network team

Abnormally Safe


The Heavy Transport Association (HTA) has initiated the first in a new programme of projects that will look at various aspects of the movement of abnormal indivisible loads, analysing good practice from the UK and elsewhere in the world to ensure that movement of these loads is performed as safely and efficiently as possible.

The first project in the programme is SAbLESafer Abnormal Load Escorting, the aim of which is “To improve the safety and operational efficiency of Abnormal Load movements through appropriate escorting practices.”

The SABLE project aims to bring together a full range of stakeholders including: abnormal load hauliers, route surveyors, permit agents, consultants, abnormal load escorts, infrastructure owners /managers, equipment manufacturers and the police.

The Transafe Network are leading this project on behalf of HTA, and will examine current practices in the risk assessment and escorting of abnormal loads, and identify future practices which have the potential to enhance the safety and efficiency of these movements. This will include practices to improve safety for all road users, and the most efficient use of the road network.

For more information on SABLE, to receive updates on the project, or to express an interest in being part of the SABLE Working Party, please email:


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