Company Information
The Transafe Network consists of two separate organisations operating in tandem:
The Transafe Network Limited
Registered in England and Wales. Company Reg No: 05875981. VAT Registration No: 906 7018 32
Registered address: Suite 2066, Letraset Building, Wotton Road, Ashford, England, TN23 6LN. United Kingdom
Reflect Road Safety Consultancy Limited
Registered in England and Wales. Company Reg No: 06863346.
Registered address: 17 Glasshouse Studios, Fryern Court Road, Fordingbridge, Hampshire, SP6 1QX. United Kingdom
Contact us with an enquiry as to the nature of your problems and we will be happy to send you a relevant capability statement and details of the experts we work with in your subject area.
Code of Conduct
We only accept work for which we can supply appropriately experienced and qualified road safety specialists and in which we can serve the client effectively.
All of our advice and associated recommendations are based on thorough, impartial consideration and analysis of all available facts and relevant experience and are realistic, practicable and relevant to the safe and efficient conduct of our clients business.
Our consultants will never give advice where safety principles are compromised out of expediency. Our consultants will always give advice that is pragmatic given the operating environment and will aim to assist the client in reducing their risk to a level which is as low as reasonably practicable.
We hold all information concerning the affairs of our clients in the strictest confidence and will not disclose restricted information obtained during the course of assignments.
Our consultants shall avoid any action or situation inconsistent with their obligations as safety professionals or which in any way might be seen to impair the their integrity. In formulating advice and recommendations they will be guided solely by their objective view of the client’s best interests.
We disclose at the earliest opportunity any special relationships, circumstances or business interests which might influence or impair, or could be seen by the client or others to influence or impair, our judgment or objectivity on a particular assignment.
Our consultants shall abide by our Statement of Business Principles. This includes a complete ban on any acts or omissions which are, or may be perceived to be, in any way corrupt.
We always advise our clients of any significant reservations we may have about the clients expectation of benefits from an engagement, and we will never indicate any short-term benefits at the expense of the long-term welfare of our clients without advising the client of the implications.
We are not linked to a particular product, software or driver training provider, so our clients can be certain that the advice we deliver is given with their best interests in mind, not ours.